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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I found that with my few first weeks back in the UK, I am unable to get myself away from the internet. Although it is a lovely thing that supposed Al Gore invented (or so he says), I think I speak for all procrastinators, college students, people who are bored at work, and don't forget the bloggers: we can't live without it!!

I was here a whole week without the wireless connection in my house and disappearing to the library every day to get in and check my gmail, catch up with people on g-chat, facebook updating the world on my shenanigans, or even just catching up on the news. This doesn't include my favourite activity of the world, streaming my US TV shows because they will not air in the UK for another 4 months. (But that is because that is not what libraries are for. They are for learning, which at that point I was not doing as classes hadn't started yet.) Gotta love it! I'm sure that the streaming thing is illegal, but if there was a cheaper option to grab these I would do it! Considering that it comes down to having decent protein in my diet or getting a TV license... I think protein wins. I can't live without my red meats... they are my favorite after all!

I can't even imagine what my world would be like without it. It's funny how I can remember way back in the day when we all had AIM, ICQ, dial up, for my US peeps: when we had hotmail accounts. Who remember's their ICQ number? I wish I did, that thing was hilarious! And it spring boarded my social life in middle school. As I'm sitting here late at night on my computer, because the stumbling fresher's are walking from Tally into town to do their nightly clubbing rituals who are therefore keeping me awake, I realised that I don't know how I would waste the hours of the day without internet. (Disclaimer, follow the ***) What would I do without Suri's Burn Book tumblr,, BBC, or I probably wouldn't laugh as much as I usually do, I probably wouldn't email funny things, I definitely wouldn't know all the random crap I know about Hollywood Gossip, and I would not be up to date on the Amanda Knox trial (but lets not go there as I haven't made up my mind on how I feel about that yet).

The internet is very useful for all sorts of everyday things, that could probably also be found in books. But who has time to read through 35 multivolume texts when I can just google it? AND the google search engine page changes every day! Seriously, who hired those guys?!?! They are wonderful! The Freddie Mercury day? I was so excited when my sister showed it to me! What a great way to remember many amazing days in history. Besides the fact that Google is taking over the world and I'm ok with it, the internet is useful for research, finding recipes for tonight's dinner, watching last night's episode of House, and attempting to find the answer to that stupid Dispensing homework problem that I just gave up on until tomorrow. I guess what I'm trying to say, is it's not just for fun and time wasting... just look at the good things that came come of it too! Here are my favorite examples from this week: Laughing at the Pundit Kitchen Putin page, skyping with friends and family back home, finding out the Christmas plans so this year I don't miss Christmas with my family because they wanted to celebrate it a week early, finding out when my student loan money was coming in so I can keep myself within my budget, and being able to email my family telling them that I have received their cards and they should hopefully be getting one in the mail soon in return. I guess what I'm trying to say is: good thing I have the internet, so I can keep up with all that is happening with my close ones all over the world. I hope they think that too :)

***I've always been a kid who gets my schoolwork done first thing. My mom often says both my sister and I had it done before we even got home from school, so I am doing my work. As well as maintaining a good social life and eating correctly.

PS: I love getting mail, not email, real mail. So please, send me something... My birthday is next month if you need an excuse :)