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Friday, July 15, 2011

Lessons Learned From My First Year in Cardiff

The most important thing is to figure out the lessons you learn along the way. Every year on my birthday, my Dad ask's me if I learned anything important in the last year. Well at least this November, I'll have a whole list for him! These are the things that I considered important that I will carry on to next year. They are in no particular order, just how I thought of them over the last month or so while I've been home:

The value of a good cwtch: For those that don’t know, a “Cwtch” has no direct English translation. It is similar to an affectionate hug, or as I say: a good snuggle. When things are down and a good ole cuppa won’t fix it. I find a good snuggle will.  My flatmates or even some friends who were down, if they didn’t want a cwtch with a person, they found my teddy bear just as good. But then there were some who were rather amazing at the cwtch when everything was low and just needed a bit more than a hug.

Importance of friends: I honestly wouldn’t have been able to make it this past school year unless I had such amazing friends. People to make me go to class, who were fun to sit with, made my degree fun! They didn’t make me feel bad about going to the library for the afternoon, we had fun while we were doing it. Having a few great flatmates made it really feel like home. I will never forget when Rachel and Katy gave me tea and cake when I first walked in the door. I loved being there with them. You can get homesick when you’re that far away, but sometimes all you need is a movie night with a Canadian who has similar enough of an accent that you feel like you’re at home (That’s right Ashley…).

Food does not have preservatives in them- eat quickly. Milk will go bad in a few days, so drink up or you get chunky milk in your tea. All though I’m convinced this is overall healthier for you, it’s a bit hard to get used to buying food every few days. 

Know what days the grocery does specials: I found that if you go to Lidl on Sunday afternoons, that’s when the meat is on special. Being a college kid and knowing how expensive protein can be, this is very very important! When you find a way to make money stretch because you have pub golf on the next Monday, you find out when the specials are. Or buy two for one because you can always put one in the fridge!

Know the important Welsh words: don’t ask me to say them, but I do know a few… such as cwtch (snuggle), bwyd (food), nos da (good night), dim (no)… really that’s all I learned. I do need to learn more I’m convinced, or at least how to say all these words. There are too many ll’s, ydd’s, w’s, etc… honestly, does the language have vowels?

Always carry an umbrella: In Cardiff it rains for at least 10 minutes every day. It might rain all day, or you might just get that annoying drizzle, but you will get wet if you don’t have an umbrella. Even if it looks like a beautiful day outside with sunshine, no clouds, and a bit of hot temperatures with little to no wind… if you leave the house, go to Barry Island, you will get caught in the worst downpour of the last 10 years! There is a reason why the street venders sell umbrellas that say “I Love Rain,” because to live there… you have to!

I should have gone to school in Ireland: I found throughout my time in Cardiff that people from that Island loved me! I would run into them in class, clubs, pubs, Boots – and every single time they thought I was lovely and wanted to meet up with me afterwards. Two of my best friends at Cardiff are even half Irish! It’s crazy, but if I wanted to find a husband quick, as my mother wishes, I should have gone to school in Ireland!